Flood risk management

Planning ahead to minimise flood risks

Recent research suggests approximately 1.9 million people across the UK currently live in areas at significant risk from either river, coastal or surface water flooding. The number of people at risk could double as early as the 2050s. 1

Climate change is already altering UK rainfall patterns leading to changes in river, surface, water and groundwater flooding. Any rise in sea levels will fuel coastal flooding and erosion.

The consequences of local flooding, and the costs, are far-reaching. As well as directly impacting residential communities and businesses, floods also jeopardise critical infrastructure, including energy and utility services, pipelines, bridges, highways, railways, hospitals, schools and more.

WaterWaterway management
UK river

What we do

The LSIDB provides a single, local source of truth to understand, manage and mitigate flood risks within our area. Using advanced flood risk modelling, we advise local authorities and developers on the potential impact of proposed schemes on the wider drainage network, and the specific development site.

Our consulting services provide drainage recommendations to commercial developer proposals. We also engage with flood risk management authorities across multiple local councils, discussing wider strategies and specific schemes to protect towns and cities.

Who pays?

Developers pay for consulting and any flood risk measures required for a scheme.

The eight local authorities within the LSIDB statutory area pay a special levy to cover flood protection. If a specific flood risk scheme is needed, the LSIDB manages applications for government funding.


Fast facts

Bristol City Council has a duty of care to some 472,400 residents and 22,820 VAT-registered business units at risk of flooding.
The Lower Severn IDB manages flood risk for over 570km of internal watercourses.

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