Always thinking ahead...
The Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board (LSIDB) is an independent public body maintaining local watercourses and drainage.

What we do
Every single day we help the drainage of 21,000 hectares of land along the River Severn spanning Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Bristol City.
As our climate changes, managing water levels is vital. Low-lying areas can flood; drought is becoming more common. Both scenarios place agriculture, critical infrastructure, the built environment, and habitats at risk.
Explore our work
In all drainage districts, it’s vital that open drainage channels are regularly dredged, and vegetation controlled. In some districts, underground stormwater culverts need to be kept in good repair and maintained.
These essential works maintain the environment and conditions for local residents and businesses, ensuring full use of land that would otherwise be prone to flooding.
Land drainage
Maintaining watercourses so agriculture can thrive.
Flood risk management
Planning ahead to minimise flood risks.
Surface water management
Maintaining drainage to keep roads and highways accessible.
Environment & biodiversity protection
Nurturing habitats for endangered flora and fauna.
Who we help
To complete our work, we engage with, and assist, many individuals and groups who all share an interest in Lower Severn drainage management. They include:
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